First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Roy ColterFollow


Mark Jareb, Ph.D. and Amanda Moras, Ph.D.

Participation Type



3d printing has the ability to shake up many manufacturing industries but factors such as its complexity, price and learning curve are holding it back. Human creativity is a powerful tool. From the ideas of one individual can bring items that can change the world and future history. What stands in the way of an idea and a physical item is the ability to make said item. The combination of new tools and information being available instantaneously through the internet in the 21st century has enabled individuals to create things that otherwise would be almost impossible. One of these tools is 3D printing, a tool capable of turning digital designs into tangible objects. The decrease in cost and increased accessibility to this powerful technology has allowed more individuals and industries to design and develop items that otherwise wouldn’t and, in some cases,, couldn’t have been made.

College and Major available

Exercise Science UG


University Commons

Start Day/Time

4-20-2018 1:00 PM

End Day/Time

4-20-2018 3:00 PM

Students' Information

Roy Colter is a student in the Thomas More Honors Program.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Prize Categories

Best Visuals


Apr 20th, 1:00 PM Apr 20th, 3:00 PM

How 3d Printing Has the Ability to Revolutionize Production and Why it Hasn’t

University Commons

3d printing has the ability to shake up many manufacturing industries but factors such as its complexity, price and learning curve are holding it back. Human creativity is a powerful tool. From the ideas of one individual can bring items that can change the world and future history. What stands in the way of an idea and a physical item is the ability to make said item. The combination of new tools and information being available instantaneously through the internet in the 21st century has enabled individuals to create things that otherwise would be almost impossible. One of these tools is 3D printing, a tool capable of turning digital designs into tangible objects. The decrease in cost and increased accessibility to this powerful technology has allowed more individuals and industries to design and develop items that otherwise wouldn’t and, in some cases,, couldn’t have been made.


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