Overcoming the Senior Slump: Meeting the Challenge with Internships

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The static state of public education continues to plague educational leaders and educators. The acceptance of the status quo of public education is recognized by all of us, and it is time to look at radical change. The college drop-out rate continues to be a serious problem, and it is time to take a hard look at what secondary education is all about. After the junior year of high school, most students have completed the mandated courses and examinations. This is the time when we must challenge our students, emulate the college experience regarding academic rigor and change, make students truly look outside of their insular adolescent world and see what life is all about. These students need to work, investigate and experience the real world. This can only happen through organized, challenging internship experiences coupled with a rigorous academic senior year. While these young adults are still living in the comfort of their homes and their peer group, we need to challenge them. The students who share their experiences within this text talk about the personal growth they experienced in their internship programs: something parents and educators wish upon every young adult.


ISBN 9781578867707 (hardcover); 9781578867691 (pbk.)
