"Gatekeeping Online: Best Practices in Non-Traditional Learning" by Amanda Faucher, Ajitha Chandrika Prasanna Kumaran et al.

Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type

Counselor Education Teaching Idea


online learning, gatekeeping, student engagement, best practices

Subject Area

Counselor Education, Higher Education Counseling


Online learning has evolved, bringing several opportunities and challenges to counselor educators. Gatekeeping is an ethical responsibility of counselor educators, especially in a distance education platform, to evaluate personal and professional growth of counselors-in-training. To minimize gateslipping, there is working literature evidence that looks quite different in an online platform. In a synchronous setting, technology allows us to offer an experience that is not drastically different from traditional learning, but literature on asynchronous learning is far more limited. The authors will highlight the strengths and challenges of gatekeeping in a distance learning environment and discuss potential strategies for gatekeeping to implement during the initial screening and mitigation action plans. Implications for future researchers and educators are highlighted.



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