Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Religious Studies (MARS)


Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies

First Advisor

Richard Grigg


In these times of changing and evolving scientific discovery, philosophy and theology are at a critical juncture where they stand to lose all relevance if they are unable to keep up with the wealth of new knowledge and discoveries. Among the recent attempts in philosophy and theology to reconcile the relationship between science and these fields is Process Theology. Process Theology owes its origins to the 20th Century American philosopher Alfred North Whitehead. Whitehead and the philosophers and theologians he has influenced have developed a myriad of new theologies that all attempt to incorporate the new sciences, such as Quantum Physics, Emergent Biology, and Evolutionary Science. Kenotic Effluent Panapotheism is an attempt to build on these concepts and reintroduce older theologies to help facilitate the new emerging theologies.


Master's thesis submitted to the faculty of the Theology and Religious Studies Department of Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Arts of Religious Studies.



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