
Windcrossing, by Don Coonley

Sacred Heart University Review, Volume III, Number 1, Spring 1983

Windcrossing, an intermedia drama inspired by the life of Gustave Whitehead, premiered in May, 1977, at Sacred Heart University. That original production, the script of which is published in this Review, combined a live dramatic presentation with motion pictures, slides, and a multiple sound track. Windcrossing was written and directed by Don Coonley, Steven Ross was the producer and the director of photography. Allan Varvella played the role of Gustave Whitehead. Music was composed and directed by Leland Roberts. The production was made possible by grants from Sacred Heart's University Research and Creativity Council, the Cultural Committee, and the Rycenga Society. Coonley and Chris Campbell rewrote the original script and in association with WEDW Public Television! Channel49 co-produced the teleplay, which premiered in May, 1981, on the Connecticut Public Television network. Directed by Campbell, Windcrossing received the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's award for the most outstanding locally produced drama in America in 1981. Windcrossing also received two nominations for regional Emmy Awards: one for special effects and a second for John Mucci's original musical composition. The teleplay was made possible with grants and services from WEDW Channel 49, City Savings Bank, and Sacred Heart University. The text of Windcrossing® 1977 by Don Coonley. Introduction and new material © 1983 by Sacred Heart University Review.
