First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Michael Doherty, Sacred Heart UniversityFollow


Prof. Benoit Boyer

Participation Type

Paper Talk


In today’s world one of the biggest problems that faces humanity is the idea of and display of ethics. Ethics is not black and white. It is a subject that lives in the gray spaces of humanity. This is what is called moral relativism. Moral relativism is the idea that there is no set moral code. Auditing is the processes in which an official examination is done to a company. This is a process that also lives in the shadows of moral relativism. This is seen in some of the largest scandals throughout recent times. Bernie Madoff, ENRON, and Samsung are all scandals that hold different ethical situations. Each one different then the last and each one with a lesson to be learned. The current ethical standing of the business world is a dark place and these are three examples of just how dark it can be.

College and Major available



Panel C: University Commons UC 109

Start Day/Time

4-20-2018 11:00 AM

End Day/Time

4-20-2018 12:15 PM

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.


Apr 20th, 11:00 AM Apr 20th, 12:15 PM

Ethics of Auditing

Panel C: University Commons UC 109

In today’s world one of the biggest problems that faces humanity is the idea of and display of ethics. Ethics is not black and white. It is a subject that lives in the gray spaces of humanity. This is what is called moral relativism. Moral relativism is the idea that there is no set moral code. Auditing is the processes in which an official examination is done to a company. This is a process that also lives in the shadows of moral relativism. This is seen in some of the largest scandals throughout recent times. Bernie Madoff, ENRON, and Samsung are all scandals that hold different ethical situations. Each one different then the last and each one with a lesson to be learned. The current ethical standing of the business world is a dark place and these are three examples of just how dark it can be.


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