First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Mario CiminoFollow


Michelle Loris Daniel Rober

Participation Type

Paper Talk


A paper about how the use of social media has effected the mental health of young people; as it has caused addiction, depression, suicide, and more.

College and Major available

Marketing BS


Digital Commons

Start Day/Time

5-5-2021 1:00 PM

End Day/Time

5-5-2021 4:00 PM

Students' Information

Mario Cimino, Marketing major, Honors, 2021

Prize Categories

Best Multidisciplinary Research or Collaboration, Best Writing (formerly called the Writing Across the Curriculum prize; the final submission date to be considered for this award is Apr 1), Most Meaningful


May 5th, 1:00 PM May 5th, 4:00 PM

Social Media's Effect on Mental Health

Digital Commons

A paper about how the use of social media has effected the mental health of young people; as it has caused addiction, depression, suicide, and more.