First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Alexa SetteducatiFollow


Dr. Greeley Dr. King

Participation Type



Death is inevitable. An individual can hope to live a long healthy life and end it peacefully. However, the reality of death is much different for some individuals. Death can be a painful and grueling process that hinders oneself from feeling any morsel of dignity. Patients with terminal illnesses can instate advanced directives, in which they can choose their preference of life saving resuscitation and comfort measures. However, these interventions in patients with terminal illnesses are not available until the patient has fully deteriorated. An article claims, “As the end-oflife approaches, the ability of medicine to heal and prolong life come to an inevitable end,” (Shibata, 155). This opens the controversial conversation about physician assisted suicide. The question of dying is not relevant to a terminally ill patient, rather it is in the way they die. Through medicine, ethics, legalities, and personal memoirs, physician assisted suicide can be examined and allow people to form opinions related to this topic. In my opinion, physician assisted suicide should be made legal so that people with terminal illnesses who may be suffering are not put through a painful drawn-out death and their families are not forced to watch them suffer.

College and Major available

Nursing RN-BSN


Digital Commons & West Campus 2nd Floor University Commons

Start Day/Time

4-28-2023 12:00 PM

End Day/Time

4-28-2023 2:00 PM

Students' Information

Alexa Setteducati Nursing Major Spanish Minor Honors Minor 2023

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Prize Categories

Best Multidisciplinary Research or Collaboration, Most Scholarly Impact or Potential, Best Writing


Apr 28th, 12:00 PM Apr 28th, 2:00 PM

Physician Assisted Suicide

Digital Commons & West Campus 2nd Floor University Commons

Death is inevitable. An individual can hope to live a long healthy life and end it peacefully. However, the reality of death is much different for some individuals. Death can be a painful and grueling process that hinders oneself from feeling any morsel of dignity. Patients with terminal illnesses can instate advanced directives, in which they can choose their preference of life saving resuscitation and comfort measures. However, these interventions in patients with terminal illnesses are not available until the patient has fully deteriorated. An article claims, “As the end-oflife approaches, the ability of medicine to heal and prolong life come to an inevitable end,” (Shibata, 155). This opens the controversial conversation about physician assisted suicide. The question of dying is not relevant to a terminally ill patient, rather it is in the way they die. Through medicine, ethics, legalities, and personal memoirs, physician assisted suicide can be examined and allow people to form opinions related to this topic. In my opinion, physician assisted suicide should be made legal so that people with terminal illnesses who may be suffering are not put through a painful drawn-out death and their families are not forced to watch them suffer.


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