Mathematics Teacher Educators Learn from Dilemmas and Tensions in Teaching About/Through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



This chapter is grounded in research by two mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) as they teach courses in culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP) in mathematics to prospective and practising teachers (PTs). Using data gathered through PT projects and reflections in the context of teaching CRP courses, the authors adopt critical lenses to study MTE self-understanding and professional growth. Through personal narratives and conversation excerpts, the chapter situates the learning of two MTEs as they struggle with, and learn from, dilemmas and tensions in their teaching, including questions of who and what is “relevant”, how do PTs respond to CRP in mathematics, and how might MTEs critically reflect on their own culturally relevant practices. In its focus on the theme of learning and developing as an MTE, this chapter includes a layer of emphasis on the role that PTs play in MTE learning when dominant mathematics discourses are disrupted.


Chapter in The Learning and Development of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

9783030624071- Print; 9783030624088- Online


