
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Volume 14, Number 3 (2021)



Imposter Phenomenon and Research Experiences Among Counselor Educators
Jaimie Stickl Haugen, Carrie A. Wachter Morris, Kelly L. Wester, Jordan L. Austin, Shreya Vaishnav, Lindsey K. Umstead, and Heather Delgado


Addressing Heterosexism: Student Narratives of a Guided Imagery Activity
Jenny L. Cureton, Victoria Giegerich, and Jennifer Murdock Bishop

Empirical Research Articles


Readiness of Counselor Education and Supervision for Suicide Training: A CQR Study
Jenny L. Cureton, Elysia V. Clemens, Janessa Henninger, and Connie Couch


The Impact of Race-Ethnicity on Foreign-Born Students’ Counselor Self-Efficacy and Acculturative Stress
Claudia Interiano-Shiverdecker, Sejal Parikh, Claudia Flowers, and Mahsa Maghsoudi


Counseling Students’ Experiences Learning How to Assess Youth Suicide Risk
Laura L. Gallo, Raissa Miller, Diana M. Doumas, Aida Midgett, and Sherise Porchia


Developmental Networks and Interpersonal Support of Beginning Counselors
Nathan B. West, Joel F. Diambra, and Laura S. Wheat