
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type



counselor education, COVID-19, Bronfenbrenner’s theory, master’s-level counseling students, professional identity development

Subject Area

Clinical Supervision, Counselor Education


Based on Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological framework and current literature, we discussed the impact of the COVID-19 crisis may have shaped the professional identity development (PID) of counseling students and the ecosystems of counselor education. While the discipline recognizes the importance of paying attention to counseling students’ PID, the discourse on the topic in the context of extreme environmental stressors such a pandemic appears to be lacking. We discussed in this paper the opportunity the COVID-19 pandemic has presented to counselor educators and supervisors (CES) to frame extreme challenging moments like theses as times to facilitate the strengthening and internalizing of counselor profession identity among counseling trainees. We further shared lessons learned as CES and offered suggestions to various stakeholders in counselor education for consideration. We concluded the paper by exploring implications, technological possibilities, and research possibilities in counselor training.



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