
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Volume 3, Number 2 (2011)

Editor Notes

In our second edition as co-editors, we continued to support the mission of the journal. We did this by examining the types of articles that can be submitted for inclusion: research, techniques, counselor development, supervision issues, and clinical supervisor’s stories. We have included articles focusing on research and practice in counselor education.

The articles by O’Halloran et al. and Geltner et al. focus on research in areas related to counselor development, while Graham et al. studied perceptions of school counselors. O’Halloran et al. examine the use of learning contracts as an effective means to help students individualize their learning and create more investment in their work. Geltner et al. determine counselor education curriculum components for school counselors to increase effectiveness in group counseling and classroom guidance. Graham et al. surveyed principals’ perceptions of the roles of school counselors, comparing principals with and without training on the ASCA model with surprising results.

The articles by Kelly and McDonald focus on the practice of counselor education. Kelly discusses comprehensive assessment procedures developed from a gate-keeping perspective based on individual student learning as well as meeting the NCATE and CACREP assessment requirements. McDonald provides counselor educators with practical information to increase student knowledge and correct usage of APA, using a sample document to demonstrate specific examples. As a service to the profession, McDonald has provided the sample paper as a separate PDF for use with students.

We thank all of our dedicated reviewers who responded quickly to everything asked of them. We also thank our wonderful Editorial Assistants; Jennifer Midura, Ken Ryerson, and Jessica Spera, who spend endless hours organizing the process, working with reviewers and authors, editing articles, and putting everything together. We also thank the NARACES Board for giving us the opportunity to continue to share practical research and knowledge with our members by appointing us as co-editors of the Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision.


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