A Problem-Based Learning Approach to Facilitate Evidence-Based Practice in Entry-Level Health Professional Education

Michelle M. Lusardi, Sacred Heart University
Pamela Levangie, Sacred Heart University
Beverly Diane Fein, Sacred Heart University


This article will provide an overview of the problem-based learning process, and an illustration of how problem-based learning can facilitate development of critical appraisal necessary for evidence-based practice. It will trace the development of problem-based learning as an educational methodology for entry-level health professional education. The information seeking and appraisal themes common to both problem-based learning and evidence-based practice will be examined, along with the roles and responsibilities of faculty and tutors who are part of problem-based learning courses or curricula. Examples of strategies for student assessment will be discussed, for both mastery of didactic content and for contribution to the interactive processes that are part of problem-based learning courses and curricula. A “case” will be presented to illustrate application of problem-based learning principles as a means of facilitating skills necessary for effective evidence-based practice.