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Highlights include: SHU's endowment fund reached the 13 million dollar mark for the 1993-94 year according to the President’s Annual report. It was reported in the new Sacred Heart University Magazine, which will be published quarterly and covering information previously found in previously in the alumni magazine Focus --Transfering a give and take situation: some students come, others on the go --The National Theatre of the Deaf is performing nationwide to rave reviews. Originally, the theatre was at the Eugene O’Neill Center in Waterford. It ran its productions from there until 1982, when it moved to Chester --The seventeenth edition of Horizons has reached the Spectrum office on a rather somber and personally reflective note. Heralded as an interdisciplinary and multi-cultural journal, it is published in memory of Professor John Rycenga and lives up to its interdisciplinary disclaimer --Intramurals offer students competitive sports --Men's hoops continue roll --Hockey struggles with schedule.



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