
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision

Document Type

Empirical Research Article


supervisory working alliance – reflexive self-awareness – self-compassion – career counseling and psychotherapist training

Subject Area

Clinical Supervision


This qualitative research examined the relationship between supervisory working alliance, self-compassion and reflexive self-awareness with students enrolled in a graduate-level counseling or counseling and psychotherapy program (n = 48). A thematic analysis using a Critical Incident Questionnaire was performed. The themes identified in this study indicate that both supervision alliance and self-compassion seemingly contribute positively to student supervisee learning experiences and to the development of their reflexive self-awareness. Moreover, the perceived learning achieved, and the development of reflexive self-awareness, reciprocally strengthened the supervisory alliance. Furthermore, the degree of supervisees’ self-compassion as well as their perceived supervisory alliances had an impact on supervisees’ experiences of the supervision process.



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