First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Ramiro BalaguerFollow


Prof. Brent Little Prof. Alicja Stannard

Participation Type



A majority of Americans are associating money to be their #1 cause of stress in their daily lives. This type of stress can be very influential when determining an individual's state of mental & physical well-being. The wealth and well-being of the average American is being negatively affected by their finances because of their decreased capacity of saving and investing.

College and Major available



University Commons

Start Day/Time

4-24-2019 2:00 PM

End Day/Time

4-24-2019 5:00 PM

Students' Information

Finance & Business Data Analytics

Honors Student

Graduation: May 2020

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.

Prize Categories

Best Multidisciplinary Research or Collaboration, Most Scholarly Impact or Potential, Most Meaningful


Apr 24th, 2:00 PM Apr 24th, 5:00 PM

The Role of Investing: How Finance is Affecting an Individual’s Well-Being

University Commons

A majority of Americans are associating money to be their #1 cause of stress in their daily lives. This type of stress can be very influential when determining an individual's state of mental & physical well-being. The wealth and well-being of the average American is being negatively affected by their finances because of their decreased capacity of saving and investing.


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