Dr. Robert McCloud Dr. Cenk Erdil
Participation Type
We will be presenting our senior capstone project which is a video game. It is titled Jokers and is based on the popular casino game, Blackjack!
College and Major available
Computer Science & Info Tech
University Commons
Start Day/Time
4-24-2019 2:00 PM
End Day/Time
4-24-2019 5:00 PM
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
Apr 24th, 2:00 PM
Apr 24th, 5:00 PM
University Commons
We will be presenting our senior capstone project which is a video game. It is titled Jokers and is based on the popular casino game, Blackjack!
Students' Information
Christian Moncada, Computer Science Major/IT Focus, 2019
Dan Murtagh, Computer Science Major/Game Design, 2019
Ryan Rogers, Computer Science Major, 2019