First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Sarah WagnerFollow
Stephanie PicFollow


Dr. Susan Goncalves

Participation Type



Education is a key component to achieving quality patient outcomes for patients and avoidance of preventable complications and preventable adverse events including medications. The presentation titled “Advancing Discharge Medication Education at Stamford Hospital for Special Surgery” supports registered nurse’s patient education efforts with the goal of increasing medication adherence while decreasing and/or eliminating any potential adverse events as well as unnecessary hospital readmission status post orthopedic surgery. This project was developed following participation in an undergraduate nursing preceptorship at the Hospital of Special Surgery at Stamford Hospital. All patients go home on seven medication in the following classes, Analgesics, Anticoagulants, Anti-emetics, Laxatives/Stool softeners, Narcotics/Opioids, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI). Providing education on these seven medications classes thus decreasing the chance of preventable adverse events or unnecessary hospital readmission. One of the most important responsibilities of the nurse is to prepare the patient for transition from hospital to home. The nurse must do this while providing compassionate care and acting as the advocate for the patient. Nurses are the primary healthcare providers with patients 24/7 and assume leading roles in patient education. The nurse must make sure the patient has full understanding of their discharge medications as well as their discharge plan before leaving the hospital. Efforts to enhance and support the education provided to patients in the short time they are hospitalized as well as the transition to home will help to increase medication adherence, patient to nurse communication and optimal patient outcomes.

College and Major available

Nursing BSN


Digital Commons

Start Day/Time

4-24-2020 2:00 PM

End Day/Time

4-24-2020 4:00 PM

Students' Information

Sarah Wagner- Nursing BSN- Honors Student Graduation May 2020

Stephanie Pic- Nursing BSN- Not an honors student Graduation May 2020

Stephanie will not be presenting at the festival

Prize Categories

Most Scholarly Impact or Potential, Best Visuals, Most Meaningful


Apr 24th, 2:00 PM Apr 24th, 4:00 PM

Advancing Discharge Medication Education at
Stamford Hospital for Special Surgery

Digital Commons

Education is a key component to achieving quality patient outcomes for patients and avoidance of preventable complications and preventable adverse events including medications. The presentation titled “Advancing Discharge Medication Education at Stamford Hospital for Special Surgery” supports registered nurse’s patient education efforts with the goal of increasing medication adherence while decreasing and/or eliminating any potential adverse events as well as unnecessary hospital readmission status post orthopedic surgery. This project was developed following participation in an undergraduate nursing preceptorship at the Hospital of Special Surgery at Stamford Hospital. All patients go home on seven medication in the following classes, Analgesics, Anticoagulants, Anti-emetics, Laxatives/Stool softeners, Narcotics/Opioids, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI). Providing education on these seven medications classes thus decreasing the chance of preventable adverse events or unnecessary hospital readmission. One of the most important responsibilities of the nurse is to prepare the patient for transition from hospital to home. The nurse must do this while providing compassionate care and acting as the advocate for the patient. Nurses are the primary healthcare providers with patients 24/7 and assume leading roles in patient education. The nurse must make sure the patient has full understanding of their discharge medications as well as their discharge plan before leaving the hospital. Efforts to enhance and support the education provided to patients in the short time they are hospitalized as well as the transition to home will help to increase medication adherence, patient to nurse communication and optimal patient outcomes.


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