
Dr. Deirdre Yeater and Dr. Dawn Melzer

Participation Type



Few studies have explored the relationship between creativity and intelligence/cognitive ability in non-human species and children. Testing creativity through the production of novel behaviors may be one way in which the cognitive abilities of both animals and children can be assessed. A non-verbal test of creativity was created and implemented for this study. The study measured the fluency of novel behavior in bottlenose dolphins and preschoolers after being given a hand signal or prompt.

College and Major available

College of Arts and Sciences, Psychology


Digital Commons

Start Day/Time

4-24-2020 2:00 PM

End Day/Time

4-24-2020 4:00 PM

Students' Information

Madison Bradley - Biology, Honors student, 2021

Iva Barun - Psychology, 2020

Kylie Cardinali - Psychology, 2020

Tia Deleo - Psychology, 2020

Nicole Malatestinic - Psychology, 2020

Nikole Rudis - Psychology, 2020

Cassandra Zoetjes - Psychology, 2020

Prize Categories

Best Multidisciplinary Research or Collaboration, Most Scholarly Impact or Potential, Most Creative


Apr 24th, 2:00 PM Apr 24th, 4:00 PM

A Comparative Test of Creative Thinking in Bottlenose Dolphins and Preschool Children

Digital Commons

Few studies have explored the relationship between creativity and intelligence/cognitive ability in non-human species and children. Testing creativity through the production of novel behaviors may be one way in which the cognitive abilities of both animals and children can be assessed. A non-verbal test of creativity was created and implemented for this study. The study measured the fluency of novel behavior in bottlenose dolphins and preschoolers after being given a hand signal or prompt.