First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Jenna PfisterFollow


Professor Kaya

Participation Type



In the process of making my modified Jack in the Box will be designed in Fusion 360 and 3D printed. SHU will be on the inside box which will pop out, so that it can teach students school pride, since it is being advertised to children. There are also going the have 5 LED lights that will be connected to a (not attached to the box itself) bread board. A mechanical movement will also be incorporated it in so that the SHU can act like the “Jack in the Box”.

College and Major available

Welch College of Business, Electrical Engineering BS


Digital Commons

Start Day/Time

5-5-2021 1:00 PM

End Day/Time

5-5-2021 4:00 PM

Students' Information

Electrical Engineering

Graduation Year 2024

Prize Categories

Best Visuals, Most Creative, Most Meaningful


May 5th, 1:00 PM May 5th, 4:00 PM

Jack in the Box

Digital Commons

In the process of making my modified Jack in the Box will be designed in Fusion 360 and 3D printed. SHU will be on the inside box which will pop out, so that it can teach students school pride, since it is being advertised to children. There are also going the have 5 LED lights that will be connected to a (not attached to the box itself) bread board. A mechanical movement will also be incorporated it in so that the SHU can act like the “Jack in the Box”.


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