First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Catherine Diane AlboFollow


Dr. Susan Goncalves

Participation Type



Effective interpersonal communication is key for everyone’s activities of daily living. It becomes more vital for critically ill patients who are intubated because their speech function is compromised. The purpose of this project was to design an original teaching tool to narrow the knowledge gap and enhance communication for those patients in the Intensive Care Unit which is a specialized hospital unit for critical patients with high acuities. Due to the COVID-19 virus, many individuals have experienced detrimental respiratory effects which have progressed to the insertion of a breathing tube, or an endotracheal tube. The process of intubation also requires moderate sedation, heavy medication, and at times, the use of restraints. When patients awaken from their initial intubation, they often experience anxiety, discomfort, and confusion. Therefore, in order to approach the common situation for patient-centered care, it is important to discuss different methods to decrease the anxiety, discomfort, and confusion upon the first awaken of intubated patients. This project will further discuss the different communication strategies and tools to utilize in order to ease the comfort of intubated patients, which in turn will aid in patient-centered care for the patients in the Intensive Care Unit.

College and Major available

Nursing BSN


Digital Commons

Start Day/Time

5-5-2021 1:00 PM

End Day/Time

5-5-2021 4:00 PM

Students' Information

Catherine Diane Albo, Nursing, Honors student, Class of 2021.

Honorable Mention Best Writing/Writing across the Curriculum Prize 2021.

Prize Categories

Best Multidisciplinary Research or Collaboration, Most Scholarly Impact or Potential, Best Visuals, Most Creative, Most Meaningful


May 5th, 1:00 PM May 5th, 4:00 PM

Communicating with Conscious Intubated Patients in the ICU

Digital Commons

Effective interpersonal communication is key for everyone’s activities of daily living. It becomes more vital for critically ill patients who are intubated because their speech function is compromised. The purpose of this project was to design an original teaching tool to narrow the knowledge gap and enhance communication for those patients in the Intensive Care Unit which is a specialized hospital unit for critical patients with high acuities. Due to the COVID-19 virus, many individuals have experienced detrimental respiratory effects which have progressed to the insertion of a breathing tube, or an endotracheal tube. The process of intubation also requires moderate sedation, heavy medication, and at times, the use of restraints. When patients awaken from their initial intubation, they often experience anxiety, discomfort, and confusion. Therefore, in order to approach the common situation for patient-centered care, it is important to discuss different methods to decrease the anxiety, discomfort, and confusion upon the first awaken of intubated patients. This project will further discuss the different communication strategies and tools to utilize in order to ease the comfort of intubated patients, which in turn will aid in patient-centered care for the patients in the Intensive Care Unit.


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