First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Erin WhiteFollow


Professor Gerardo Moreira

Participation Type



Is Animal Testing in Cosmetics Products an Ethical Process? Some may think that there is an obvious answer to this question, however, this is an extremely debated topic around the world. The need for animal testing has been decreasing steadily for years due to the advancement of technology, however many cosmetic and pharmaceutical brands are still partaking in this practice. Animal testing provides a well-known and quicker way to test the safeness of a product, however, alternatives such as In Vitro methods are harm-free. Thus, this provides a dilemma. Do we sacrifice animals in the name of tradition, or do we use new and sometimes faulty alternative methods in the name of sustainability? Legislation plays a large role in the cruelty-free movement. Some countries, such as China, have mandated animal testing by law, whereas the U.S., turns a blind eye due to the cheaper imports of products. Various brands have turned away from animal testing. This is because consumer behavior indicates that consumer’s purchasing decisions can be heavily influenced by ethically or sustainably produced goods. Animal testing is a process that was once useful but is now not necessary due to the many ethical alternatives. This Literature Review summarizes the historical elements of animal testing, pros and cons, alternative forms of testing, and how sustainability affects consumer behavior.

College and Major available

Marketing BS


Digital Commons

Start Day/Time

5-5-2021 1:00 PM

End Day/Time

5-5-2021 4:00 PM

Students' Information

My name is Erin White and I am a Marketing major and an honors minor. I am graduating in December 2021.

Prize Categories

Most Scholarly Impact or Potential, Best Visuals, Most Creative

WhiteFinal Capstone Paper (1).pdf (191 kB)
Capstone paper


May 5th, 1:00 PM May 5th, 4:00 PM

An Analysis of Animal Testing in Beauty Products and Its Ethicality

Digital Commons

Is Animal Testing in Cosmetics Products an Ethical Process? Some may think that there is an obvious answer to this question, however, this is an extremely debated topic around the world. The need for animal testing has been decreasing steadily for years due to the advancement of technology, however many cosmetic and pharmaceutical brands are still partaking in this practice. Animal testing provides a well-known and quicker way to test the safeness of a product, however, alternatives such as In Vitro methods are harm-free. Thus, this provides a dilemma. Do we sacrifice animals in the name of tradition, or do we use new and sometimes faulty alternative methods in the name of sustainability? Legislation plays a large role in the cruelty-free movement. Some countries, such as China, have mandated animal testing by law, whereas the U.S., turns a blind eye due to the cheaper imports of products. Various brands have turned away from animal testing. This is because consumer behavior indicates that consumer’s purchasing decisions can be heavily influenced by ethically or sustainably produced goods. Animal testing is a process that was once useful but is now not necessary due to the many ethical alternatives. This Literature Review summarizes the historical elements of animal testing, pros and cons, alternative forms of testing, and how sustainability affects consumer behavior.


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