First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Megan McshaneFollow


Professor Moras Professor Jareb

Participation Type

Paper Talk


Minorities in America are constantly facing inequalities throughout different portions of their life. The school system is is an area of these inequalities that does not get enough attention to work to change it. Specifically the area of Standardized testing as they have been holding more power in regards to children's futures. By learning more about what inequalities these minority students face we can work to help prevent them.

College and Major available

Interdisciplinary Studies BA/BS


Session L: West Campus West Building W112

Start Day/Time

4-29-2022 1:15 PM

End Day/Time

4-29-2022 2:15 PM

Students' Information

Megan Mcshane, Interdisciplinary Studies Major, Honors Student, 2022


Apr 29th, 1:15 PM Apr 29th, 2:15 PM

Inequalities of Standardized Testing

Session L: West Campus West Building W112

Minorities in America are constantly facing inequalities throughout different portions of their life. The school system is is an area of these inequalities that does not get enough attention to work to change it. Specifically the area of Standardized testing as they have been holding more power in regards to children's futures. By learning more about what inequalities these minority students face we can work to help prevent them.


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