First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Gianna CiardielloFollow


Dr. Deschenes

Participation Type



Blue light can have various effects on the human body, and whether those effects are beneficial or dangerous depends on when the body is exposed. When blue light is overused, the retina gets overwhelmed and undergoes oxidative damage and apoptosis, which impairs its function and can contribute to ocular pathologies such as dry eyes, visual fatigue, and cataract formation. Exposure during the biological evening can also trick the body into thinking it’s morning and suppress melatonin, hindering sleep quality and contribute to sleep deprivation and sleep-related disorders. However, during the day, that suppression of melatonin induced by blue light can be used to stimulate wakefulness and alertness, to facilitate cognition, memory, and creativity, while avoiding daytime drowsiness. Therefore, to maximize blue light’s benefits, blue light should be employed in schools and at work throughout the daytime. Further, blue light can serve as a potential treatment option for SAD when used during the winter or insomnia when used during the day. To prevent blue light damage in the retina or bodily rhythm, people should avoid using blue light emitting screens at least two hours before bedtime and employ blue light blocking glasses during prolonged exposure. Thus, the effects of blue light cannot be definitively considered as being more helpful or more adverse, as the usage can be manipulated to provide maximal benefits and minimal damage in different situations. However, future studies would need to be conducted to determine the optimal intensity of blue light to be utilized in schools and the workplace for enhanced cognition and preferred brightness levels. Further studies can also be performed to compare the effects of blue light on cognition in different age groups and developmental stages to ensure its benefits among various populations and settings. Additional studies are also needed to verify the efficacy of blue light as a prospective treatment option for certain disorders. Overall, in a world where there is constant exposure to blue light, it is imperative to analyze its effects and exploit their benefits while taking precautionary measures to combat against possible detriments.

College and Major available

College of Arts and Sciences, Biology


Digital Commons & West Campus West Building

Start Day/Time

4-29-2022 1:00 PM

End Day/Time

4-29-2022 4:00 PM

Students' Information

Gianna Ciardiello, Biology major, Honors student, graduating December 2022


Apr 29th, 1:00 PM Apr 29th, 4:00 PM

Exploring the Dangers and Unexpected Advantages of Blue Light

Digital Commons & West Campus West Building

Blue light can have various effects on the human body, and whether those effects are beneficial or dangerous depends on when the body is exposed. When blue light is overused, the retina gets overwhelmed and undergoes oxidative damage and apoptosis, which impairs its function and can contribute to ocular pathologies such as dry eyes, visual fatigue, and cataract formation. Exposure during the biological evening can also trick the body into thinking it’s morning and suppress melatonin, hindering sleep quality and contribute to sleep deprivation and sleep-related disorders. However, during the day, that suppression of melatonin induced by blue light can be used to stimulate wakefulness and alertness, to facilitate cognition, memory, and creativity, while avoiding daytime drowsiness. Therefore, to maximize blue light’s benefits, blue light should be employed in schools and at work throughout the daytime. Further, blue light can serve as a potential treatment option for SAD when used during the winter or insomnia when used during the day. To prevent blue light damage in the retina or bodily rhythm, people should avoid using blue light emitting screens at least two hours before bedtime and employ blue light blocking glasses during prolonged exposure. Thus, the effects of blue light cannot be definitively considered as being more helpful or more adverse, as the usage can be manipulated to provide maximal benefits and minimal damage in different situations. However, future studies would need to be conducted to determine the optimal intensity of blue light to be utilized in schools and the workplace for enhanced cognition and preferred brightness levels. Further studies can also be performed to compare the effects of blue light on cognition in different age groups and developmental stages to ensure its benefits among various populations and settings. Additional studies are also needed to verify the efficacy of blue light as a prospective treatment option for certain disorders. Overall, in a world where there is constant exposure to blue light, it is imperative to analyze its effects and exploit their benefits while taking precautionary measures to combat against possible detriments.