Prof. Stiltner and Prof. Young
Participation Type
Paper Talk
The importance of creativity in life cannot be overstated, and having a base of performing arts in education allows for a person to become even more creative, confident, and self-assured.
College and Major available
Management BS
Session 12: Digital Commons & Martire 3rd Floor Boardroom
Start Day/Time
4-27-2023 2:00 PM
End Day/Time
4-27-2023 3:15 PM
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
The Importance of Performing Arts in Development
Session 12: Digital Commons & Martire 3rd Floor Boardroom
The importance of creativity in life cannot be overstated, and having a base of performing arts in education allows for a person to become even more creative, confident, and self-assured.
Students' Information
Christopher Devlin, management major, theatre, pyschology minors, honors student, class of 2023