First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Sasha MedileFollow


Sara Ross

Participation Type

Paper Talk


How do we know if having more provides us with more of the lifestyle we want? Generation Z has a problem with indulging in a maximalist lifestyle, trusting influencers and our parasocial relationships with them over ourselves, which results in glorifying consumerism. Why can a video influence us further to act rather than our own habits or ambitions, and what can we do to cut out the noise? With this project, I want to create an audience between 18 and 30 who are searching for peace on their FYP and provide tactics to help them be more comfortable with in their own contentment and to cure boredom. I will be creating a series of TikToks going against the constant chaos of maximalism, discussing three areas of life: routine and habits, self-care and style, and FOMO and alone time. These will include trending quotes that relate to mental balance, have monologues with data research I found and my own opinion either filming myself or voiceover. Also, I would interview close friends of their emotions and lives connected to the content.

College and Major available

Digital Communication BA


Session 1: Digital Commons & Martire Room 310

Start Day/Time

4-25-2024 11:00 AM

End Day/Time

5-25-2024 12:15 PM

Students' Information

Strategic Communications, PR, and Advertising major and Digital Marketing and Psychology minors. Honors student and graduating May 2024.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


Apr 25th, 11:00 AM May 25th, 12:15 PM

More is More?

Session 1: Digital Commons & Martire Room 310

How do we know if having more provides us with more of the lifestyle we want? Generation Z has a problem with indulging in a maximalist lifestyle, trusting influencers and our parasocial relationships with them over ourselves, which results in glorifying consumerism. Why can a video influence us further to act rather than our own habits or ambitions, and what can we do to cut out the noise? With this project, I want to create an audience between 18 and 30 who are searching for peace on their FYP and provide tactics to help them be more comfortable with in their own contentment and to cure boredom. I will be creating a series of TikToks going against the constant chaos of maximalism, discussing three areas of life: routine and habits, self-care and style, and FOMO and alone time. These will include trending quotes that relate to mental balance, have monologues with data research I found and my own opinion either filming myself or voiceover. Also, I would interview close friends of their emotions and lives connected to the content.


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