First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Erin BrannFollow


Theresa Soltis

Participation Type



The purpose of this study is to assess the use of Chlorhexidine Antiseptic Solution to decrease the incidence of CAUTIs within hospitalized patients in comparison to routine cleaning techniques. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections account for 30% of all hospital acquired infections which can lead to up to $450 million in additional costs in the US yearly CAUTIs may also lead to increased hospital stay lengths, discomfort, and rates of mortality (AHRQ, 2015). Therefore, this quality improvement research compares both a quantitative study and a meta-analysis of the the use of Chlorhexidine.

College and Major available

Nursing RN-BSN


Digital Commons & West Campus West Building University Commons

Start Day/Time

4-26-2024 12:00 PM

End Day/Time

4-26-2024 2:00 PM

Students' Information

Erin Brann - Nursing Major with Honors & Business Minors. Graduating May 2024.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


Apr 26th, 12:00 PM Apr 26th, 2:00 PM

Use of Chlorhexidine antiseptic solution to decrease incidence of CAUTI’s.

Digital Commons & West Campus West Building University Commons

The purpose of this study is to assess the use of Chlorhexidine Antiseptic Solution to decrease the incidence of CAUTIs within hospitalized patients in comparison to routine cleaning techniques. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections account for 30% of all hospital acquired infections which can lead to up to $450 million in additional costs in the US yearly CAUTIs may also lead to increased hospital stay lengths, discomfort, and rates of mortality (AHRQ, 2015). Therefore, this quality improvement research compares both a quantitative study and a meta-analysis of the the use of Chlorhexidine.


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