Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Connecticut is in the midst of a demographic transition to a period of lower population growth. These demographic changes will help check the pressures exerted on the state's natural resources by population growth. Water, air, soil, energy sources, food, fisheries, forests, and biodiversity are common pool resources upon which we depend in ways that transcend political boundaries. Those governing Connecticut should help turn the state into a model of how to manage natural resources by halting forest fragmentation, reducing pollution, and promoting environmental science education.
Recommended Citation
Mattei, Jennifer, "The Challenge of Environmental Protection" (2005). Biology Faculty Publications. 12.
Included in
Biodiversity Commons, Biology Commons, Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Environmental Policy Commons, Forest Management Commons, Public Policy Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons
Previously published:
Mattei, Jennifer H. "The Challenge of Environmental Protection." Public Policy in Connecticut, Ed. by Gary L. Rose. Fairfield, CT: Sacred Heart University Press, 2005.