Protein Targeting of L1CAM in Cultured Neurons

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The correct targeting of proteins to axohs and dendrites of neurons is essential for the proper development of the nervous system. LICAM is an axonally-targeted protein responsible for multiple aspects of neuronal development. LICAM mutations are known to result in a developmental syndrome characterized by cognitive and motor disabilities. We investigated the cellular distribution of known LICAM mutant proteins, P941L and D544N, in cultured embryonic chick forebrain neurons to test the hypothesis that aberrant protein targeting of these mutants plays a role in the developmental abnormalities associated with the syndrome. Preliminary data suggests that the P941L LICAM mutant is targeted normally to the axon suggesting that downstream signaling events are abnormal. In contrast, the D544N LICAM mutant does not appear to reach the cell surface of the neuron.


Eastern Colleges Science Conference, Wilkes-Barre, PA April 2017. E-129. Program retrieved from

Mentored by Mark Jareb.

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