The Department of Catholic Studies aims to preserve, transmit, develop and advance the interdisciplinary study and teaching of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. The Department is the only department which intentionally and directly expresses the University’s Mission and Catholic Identity, and provides students with a solid interdisciplinary foundation in the Catholic Intellectual tradition through teaching the University’s academic signature core seminars: The Human Journey Seminars: Great Books in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.

Using seminar pedagogy, these two courses engage students in an interdisciplinary understanding of the roots and development of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition as a 2000 year ongoing conversation between the great thinkers, writers, and artists of this Tradition and the cultures in which they have lived asking fundamental questions about God, humanity, society, and nature.


Submissions from 2020


Capitalism and New Age, Michael Araujo

Submissions from 2017


St. Augustine’s Journey to Faith, Bridget Hughes


The Good Life, Molly Kelley