Document Type


Publication Date

January 1991


O trabalho relata a historia e analisa os conteúdos dos programas de estudos do Gymnasio Nacional (antigo Colégio Pedro II), propostas nas reformas educacionais brasileiras de 1892 de Fernando Lobo e de 1894 de Cassiano do Nascimento, e as compara com a de 1890 de Benjamin Constant. Demonstra que o plano curricular de 1894 manteve o elenco de disciplinas de 1890 e a distribuição das matérias nas series segundo o plano de 1892. No entanto, reduziu a carga horaria total ao nível da proposta em 1890. Estas alterações sugerem que, neste período, o ensino secundário vivia um clima conturbado e instável. 1992, Pg. 271-274.

The paper relates the history and analyzes the contents of the curriculum of the National Gymnasium (formerly College Pedro II), proposed in the Brazilian educational reforms of 1892 of Fernando Lobo and of 1894 of Cassiano do Nascimento, and compares these to the curriculum of 1890 proposed by Benjamin Constant. It argues that that curricular organization of 1894 maintained the disciplines of 1890 and that their distribution in the grade levels followed the curricular plan of 1892, while reducing the total number of instructional hours to that proposed in 1890. These changes suggest that during this period the secondary program of studies was volatile and unstable.



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