Wearable Sweat Sensors: Background and Current Trends
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
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Sweat‐related physiology research has been well established over the years. However, it has only been around ten years that sweat‐based sensing devices started to be explored. With the recent advancements in wearable activity and physiology monitoring devices, sweat was investigated for its contents similar to blood and corresponding wearable devices were studied intensively. This article provides a thorough review on sweating mechanisms, sweat sensing devices, and electronic technologies for sweat sensor implementations. Potential future directions and recommendations based on current research trends were provided in each section. This review aims to offer a unique perspective from both physiology and engineering point‐of‐view to draw a complete landscape of the sweat sensing research.
Recommended Citation
Kaya, T., Liu, G., Ho, J., Yelamarthi, K., Miller, K., Edwards, J., & Stannard, A. (2019). Wearable sweat sensors: Background and current trends. Electroanalysis, 31(3),411-421. doi: 10.1002/elan.201800677
First published: 05 December 2018.