Ethical Reflections on Handling Digital Remains: Computing Professionals Picking Up Bones
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date
We approach the subject of digital remains, understood as “online content of dead users,” from the perspective of computing professionals. Many scholars have argued for special ethical status of digital remains similar to the respect given to physical human remains. We propose a series of definitions including that of digital remains. These definitions emphasize the practical realities of managing computing systems. We posit that ideas of personhood and respect are both important when considering digital remains, but there are other concerns that challenge their special ethical status. We present three scenarios that illustrate important differences in how digital remains should be dealt with in different contexts. We conclude that due to environmental concerns, as well as practical and privacy considerations, absent any other overriding considerations, digital remains ought to be deleted. We also suggest that our notion of “abandoned digital artifacts” might provide a better conception of digital remains and be helpful in articulating accounts of personhood and personal identity.
Recommended Citation
Wolf, M. J., Grodzinsky, F. S., & Miller, K. W. (2022). Ethical reflections on handling digital remains: Computing professionals picking up bones. Digital Society, 1(1), 1-19. Doi: 10.1007/s44206-022-00004-4