Document Type

DNP Project

Publication Date


Faculty Advisor

Rosemary Johnson

Practice Mentor

Sarah Sanders


Significance and Background: Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI) continued to rise, costing the healthcare system about $ 11 billion annually. Medical device-related pressure injuries (MDRPI) account for about 10% of HAPI. They are also noted to be on the rise, especially in the Intensive Care Units (ICU), where multiple medical devices are placed on patients for monitoring and treatment. An intervention to reverse those unfavorable trends is needed. Evidence supports poster education to improve rates of MDRPI.

Purpose: This quality improvement project was conducted to eliminate incidents of MDRPI in the ICU and improve nurses’ perception of the importance of preventing MDRPI.

Methods: A poster depicting all medical devices used in the ICU and corresponding protective equipment was created and hung in each patient room. The poster education for nurses was provided during a staff meeting and for two weeks during morning and evening huddles. Additional one-on-one education was provided as needed. The data was collected monthly between September 1 and November 30, 2022. The nurses’ perception of the importance of the prevention of MDRPI was evaluated via pre- and post-implementation surveys.

Outcome: Over the twelve-week implementation period, only one MDRPI occurred, reflecting a major improvement compared to pre-implementation data. Also, comparing the pre-and post-survey results shows staff better understands the importance of preventing MDRPI. There was a 31.8% increase in responders who strongly agreed with the statement that pressure injury (PI) risk assessment should be regularly carried out. There was a 38.1% increase in nurses who strongly disagreed with the statement that PI prevention is a lower priority, and a 13.6% increase in responders who strongly disagreed with the statement that PI prevention is time-consuming to carry out. Lastly, there was an 18.2% decrease in responders who strongly disagree to disagree with the statement that they do not need to be concerned with PI in their practice.

Discussion: A poster illustrating all medical device and corresponding protective equipment, along with clinical staff education on PI prevention, lead to a decrease in MDRPI. It also led to an improved in nurses’ perception of their role in MDRPI prevention. This intervention and best-practice for MDRPI prevention in the ICU should continue. Nursing education and refresher education on MDRPI should continue regularly.


A DNP project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice, Sacred Heart University Davis & Henley College of Nursing.

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Available for download on Sunday, October 27, 2024

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