Date of Award


Degree Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)




Presented to the Faculty of Sacred Heart University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education, Sacred Heart University

Committee Chair

Victoria A. Osborne, Ph.D., LMSW

2nd Reader

David G. Title, Ed.D.

3rd Reader

Ashley Favello, Ed.D


This improvement science dissertation addressed disruptive student behavior by building educators’ SEL capacity and knowledge. Specifically, the study provided classroom teachers with Tier I SEL instructional lessons and training to support managing disruptive student behaviors within the classroom. This intervention at a suburban elementary school consisted of a six-week intervention that included weekly professional learning sessions and SEL lessons to be implemented in the classroom. This action research, using a mixed methods convergent preexperimental design, included quantitative data assessing classroom teachers’ SEL knowledge and capacity. The researcher also gathered qualitative data through semi-structured interviews with participants following the completion of the intervention. Quantitative data showed an increase in educators’ SEL knowledge and capacity. Qualitative indicated that educators found the six-week SEL training and lesson instruction intervention to be highly beneficial. Participants reported that the SEL training was supportive and contributed positively to their SEL growth and classroom environment. Lastly, participants indicated that the intervention provided valuable resources for future use.

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