Among the Enemy: A Michigan Soldier's Civil War Journal (Book Review)

Document Type

Book Review

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Among the Enemy captures the three-year enlistment period of Union soldier William Horton Kimball. Originally from Michigan, Kimball served in the First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics regiment from September 1861 to November 1864. Kimball’s story is enhanced by the deft and sensible editing of Mark Hoffman. Hoffman is a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and author of My Brave Mechanics: The First Michigan Engineers and Their Civil War, also from Wayne State University Press. Hoffman argues that William Horton Kimball’s diary, which contributed substantially to My Brave Mechanics, is worthy of publication on its own, thus bringing us Among the Enemy. I agree with him and enjoyed this book immensely.


Boo review by Julie Mujic.

Hoffman, M. (Ed.). (2013). Among the enemy: A Michigan soldier's Civil War journal. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.


