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In this paper, we propose the use of the smart environment based on Internet of Things (IoT), P2P technology and Heuristic Diagnostic Teaching principles for identifying learning abilities in mathematics and creative traits for students that are diagnosed within Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD). Many children with autism are highly interested and motivated by smart devices such as computers and touch screen tablets. These types of assistive technology devices get children with autism to interact, make choices, respond, gain new communication skills and create P2P communication between children, caregivers and therapists. Our proposed system uses JXTA-Overlay platform and SmartBox device to support students during their learning process by getting and maintaining their concentration on a given task. We propose to evaluate children’s ability in math using the Heuristic Diagnostic Teaching principles. Our new system combined with various visual systems, such as objects, photographs, pictures, realistic drawings, line drawings, and written words, can be used with assorted modes of technology, as long as the child can readily comprehend the visual representation. Vocabulary skills, mathematics skills and other life skills can be taught through our proposed system. We propose to use different assessment tools to learn about students’ ability in math.



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