Effects of Pedometer Use in Veterans With Chronic Heart Failure
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date
Brief Report.
Routine physical activity can improve exercise tolerance in individuals with chronic heart failure (HF). Lack of exercise can lead to worsening of HF. This study examined the effect of a pedometer on exercise tolerance in veterans with chronic HF. Although both pedometer and routine exercise groups improved 6-minute walk test distance, the use of a pedometer was not better than routine exercise in improvement in exercise tolerance after 6 weeks. Factors that may have impacted the effectiveness of pedometer use include pedometer malfunction, low pedometer compliance, and severe wintery weather.
Recommended Citation
Chang, V., Dallas, M.I., Lampley, T., & Milner, K. (2015). Effects of pedometer use in veterans with chronic heart failure. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(8), 819-823. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2015.04.027