Enlightened Leadership: Business’s Road Back to Social Responsibility

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



This paper attempts to make a case for the need for “new leadership" within the context of the changing and challenging environment in which organizations currently function. "New leaders” will create corporate cultures that will empower employees to be more “leaderful” and more socially responsible. In fact, even if not contractually obligated to do so, organizations should feel the connection to their community, customers, workers, and planet. A process for teaching ethics and social responsibility will be summarized and its hallmark is action on the part of every employee to “give voice to his or her values. ” In answering the question who is responsible for the road back to social responsibility, it is proposed that it starts with the new leaders and organizational governing boards, but becomes the domain of each and every one of us.


From the symposium "The Catholic Intellectual Tradition" held at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt June 17, 2009 and cosponsored by Sacred Heart University Luxembourg.

ISBN 9783643900708
