Initiate, adopt, implement, and transfer: exploring the innovation process undergone by mega-sport event organizing committees
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
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This study examines how three mega-sport event organizing committees (i.e., the 2024 Paris Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, the 2028 Los Angeles Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, and United26) undergo the innovation process. Upon analyzing numerous official documents (n=1,290) and interviewing key stakeholders (n=24), findings show that mega-sport event organizers experience four main phases when innovating (i.e., initiate, adoption decision, implement, and transfer). Unique factors that impact each phase also emerge from the data (i.e., unknown future, divisive decision making, constant refinement, and tailored solutions). This study answers calls for more research on innovation in sport organizations, enhances our knowledge of the innovation process regarding temporary organizations, and provides practical implications for mega-sport event organizers seeking to innovate.
Recommended Citation
Hoff, K., & Leopkey, B. (2025). Initiate, adopt, implement, and transfer: exploring the innovation process undergone by mega-sport event organizing committees. Sport Management Review, 1–22. Doi: 10.1080/14413523.2025.2466923
Online before print, February 20, 2025