Date of Award


Degree Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Jack Welch College of Business & Technology


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration in Finance, Sacred Heart University, Jack Welch College of Business and Technology, Fairfield, Connecticut.

Dissertation Number DBA10/2023

Dissertation Supervisor

Dr. Khawaja Mamun

Committee Member

Dr. Carolyne Soper

Committee Member

Dr. Syed Osman


This research examines the relationship between copper Prices and US Economy proxied by the Industrial Production Index. Copper's physical properties make it suitable for various industrial uses, making it an integrated element of the US economy. Industrial production is one of the leading indicators of gross domestic product, reflecting a country's overall economic performance. Therefore, as an essential input in industrial production, the direction of copper prices is important for the overall economy. We employed the Granger causality and ARDL models to evaluate the relationship between Global Copper Prices and Industrial Production. Using monthly time series data for global copper prices and the Industrial Production Index from January 1990 to June 2023, our findings indicate unidirectional causality from global copper prices to the Industrial Production Index, albeit at one lag.

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