First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Annemarie GiganteFollow


Mark Jareb, Amanda Moras

Participation Type

Paper Talk


Injuries are a very common and unfortunate experience that most athletes go through during their athletic careers. If the injury is severe enough to keep the young and eager athlete out of play, it may cause some difficulties and challenges in the athlete mentally. For this project, I am going to focus on how out of play injuries mentally affect college athletes.

Injuries in these athletes vary in severity which determines how long the athlete will be sidelined to ensure that they have fully healed and have decreased the chance of reinjury. College athletes depend so much on being able to play their sport. Either they are on scholarship and need to perform well enough to renew the scholarship for next year or they are trying to play at the next level and need to advance their game. Not being able to participate in the games and in practice will increase the chances of the scholarship not being renewed as well as decreasing their chances of being scouted to play at the professional level. If the goal is to play at the professional level, this can create a heavy burden on the athlete mentally.

College and Major available

Exercise Science UG


Digital Commons

Start Day/Time

4-24-2020 2:00 PM

End Day/Time

4-24-2020 4:00 PM

Students' Information

Annemarie Gigante, Exercise Science, Honors student, graduating 2021


A digital poster accompanies this submission as an additional file.

Prize Categories

Most Scholarly Impact or Potential, Most Meaningful


Apr 24th, 2:00 PM Apr 24th, 4:00 PM

The Taboo Side of Injury: The Emotional and Psychological Side Effects in Injured College Athletes

Digital Commons

Injuries are a very common and unfortunate experience that most athletes go through during their athletic careers. If the injury is severe enough to keep the young and eager athlete out of play, it may cause some difficulties and challenges in the athlete mentally. For this project, I am going to focus on how out of play injuries mentally affect college athletes.

Injuries in these athletes vary in severity which determines how long the athlete will be sidelined to ensure that they have fully healed and have decreased the chance of reinjury. College athletes depend so much on being able to play their sport. Either they are on scholarship and need to perform well enough to renew the scholarship for next year or they are trying to play at the next level and need to advance their game. Not being able to participate in the games and in practice will increase the chances of the scholarship not being renewed as well as decreasing their chances of being scouted to play at the professional level. If the goal is to play at the professional level, this can create a heavy burden on the athlete mentally.


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