First and Last Name/s of Presenters

Daniel FusariFollow


Professor Jennifer Trudeau

Participation Type

Paper Talk


In this study, industry analysis is performed on the health care sector and pharmaceutical market, specifically on the auto-injector of epinephrine known as the EpiPen. In literature review, expert opinions on the economics and ethics of events that occurred surrounding the companies price gouging tactics are reviewed. How Mylan came about acquiring the monopoly and holding its grasp is also discussed. Data shows how the company’s profits significantly increased every year while consumers struggled to pay the price out of pocket. Suggestions are made on potential ways to create more power for consumers in the market, as well as promote competition for suppliers.

College and Major available

Economics, Finance BS


Digital Commons

Start Day/Time

5-5-2021 1:00 PM

End Day/Time

5-5-2021 4:00 PM

Students' Information

Daniel Fusari, Economics and Finance, Honors, 2021


May 5th, 1:00 PM May 5th, 4:00 PM

Ethics Versus Economics: The EpiPen Scandal and the Role of the FDA

Digital Commons

In this study, industry analysis is performed on the health care sector and pharmaceutical market, specifically on the auto-injector of epinephrine known as the EpiPen. In literature review, expert opinions on the economics and ethics of events that occurred surrounding the companies price gouging tactics are reviewed. How Mylan came about acquiring the monopoly and holding its grasp is also discussed. Data shows how the company’s profits significantly increased every year while consumers struggled to pay the price out of pocket. Suggestions are made on potential ways to create more power for consumers in the market, as well as promote competition for suppliers.


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