The majority of Biology faculty members are actively engaged in research and committed to providing our majors with opportunities to join them in the research process.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Biology


Submissions from 2011


Project Limulus: Ecology and Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs In Long Island Sound, Mark Beekey


Expression And Rapid Experience‐Dependent Regulation Of Type‐A Gabaergic Receptors In The Songbird Auditory Forebrain, Jin Kwon Jeong, Thomas A. Terleph, Kaiping Burrows, Liisa A. Tremere, and Raphael Pinaud


Dynamic Glucoregulation and Mammalian-Like Responses to Metabolic and Developmental Disruption in Zebrafish, Agata Jurczyk, Nicole M. Roy, Rabia Bajwa, Philipp Gut, Kathryn Lipson, Chaoxing Yang, Laurence Covassin, Waldemar J. Racki, Aldo A. Rossini, Nancy Phillips, Didier Y. R. Stainier, Dale L. Greiner, Michael A. Brehm, Rita Bortell, and Philip Diiorio


Estimation of Short-Term Tag-Induced Mortality in Horseshoe Crabs Limulus Polyphemus, Jennifer Mattei, Mark Beekey, H. R. Potter, C. S. Bond, Alyssa Woronik, J. A. Roberts, and K. A. Smith


Characteristics of Ships' Depression Waves and Associated Sediment Resuspension in the Venice Lagoon, John Rapaglia, Luca Zaggia, Klaus Ricklefs, Morgan Gelinas, and Henry Bokuniewicz


Use of Shallow Estuarine Habitats by Nekton in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, Alabama, Lawrence P. Rozas, John F. Valentine, Charles Martin, and LaTina Steele


A Comparison of Prairie Vole Audible and Ultrasonic Pup Calls and Attraction to Them by Adults of Each Sex, Thomas A. Terleph

Submissions from 2010


The Ratio of Gametophytes to Tetrasporophytes of Intertidal Chondrus Crispus (Gigartinaceae) Across a Salinity Gradient, Michele Guidone and Sean Grace


Snail Grazing Facilitates Growth of a Bloom-Forming Alga, Michele Guidone, Carol S. Thornber, and Emily Field


Movement Patterns and Population Genetics of the American Horseshoe Crab in Relation to Long Island Sound Conservation Strategies, Jo-Marie Kasinak, Kirk A. Bartholomew, Mark Beekey, and Jennifer Mattei


Reproductive Behavior in Horseshoe Crabs: Does Density Matter?, Jennifer Mattei, Mark Beekey, Adam Rudman, and Alyssa Woronik


Genome Sequence of the Model Mushroom Schizophyllum Commune, Robin A. Ohm, Jan F. De Jong, Luis G. Lugones, Andrea Aerts, Erika Kothe, Jason E. Stajich, Ronald P. De Vries, Eric Record, Anthony Levasseur, Scott E. Baker, Kirk A. Bartholomew, Pedro M. Coutinho, Susann Erdmann, Thomas J. Fowler, Allen C. Gathmen, Vincent Lombard, Bernard Henrissat, Nicole Knabe, Ursula Kues, and Walt W. Lily


Groundwater Connections Under a Barrier Beach: A Case Study in the Venice Lagoon, John Rapaglia, Eloisa Di Sipio, Henry Bokuniewicz, Gian Maria Zuppi, Luca Zaggia, Antonio Galgaro, and Aaron Beck


Investigation of Residence Time and Groundwater Flux in Venice Lagoon: Comparing Radium Isotope and Hydrodynamical Models, John Rapaglia, Christian Ferrarin, Luca Zaggia, W. S. Moore, Georg Umgiesser, Ester Garcia-Solsona, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, and Pere Masqué


Neural Coding of Temporal Information and Its Topography in the Auditory Cortex, Thomas A. Terleph and Raphael Pinaud


Bilateral Multi-Electrode Neurophysiological Recordings Coupled to Local Pharmacology in Awake Songbirds, Liisa A. Tremere, Thomas A. Terleph, Jin Kwon Jeong, and Raphael Pinaud

Submissions from 2009


Horseshoe Crab Spawning Survey Protocol, Jennifer Mattei


Choosing the Right Path: Enhancement of Biologically Relevant Sets of Genes or Proteins Using Pathway Structure, Reuben Thomas, Julia M. Gohlke, Geffrey F. Stopper, Frederick M. Parham, and Christopher J. Portier

Submissions from 2008


Project Limulus: What Long-Term Mark/Recapture Studies Reveal About Horseshow Crab Population Dynamics in Long Island Sound, Mark Beekey and Jennifer Mattei


Coincident Application of a Mass Balance of Radium and a Hydrodynamic Model for the Seasonal Quantification of Groundwater Flux into the Venice Lagoon, Italy, Christian Ferrarin, John Rapaglia, Luca Zaggia, Georg Umgiesser, and Gian Maria Zuppi


Changes in Paternal Responsiveness of Prairie Voles ( Microtus ochrogaster) in Response to Olfactory Cues and Continuous Physical Contact with a Female, Natacha Jean-Baptiste, Thomas A. Terleph, and Maryam Bamshad


A Molecular Footprint Of Limb Loss: Sequence Variation Of The Autopodial Identity Gene Hoxa-13, Tiana Kohlsdorg, Michael P. Cummings, Vincent J. Lynch, Geffrey F. Stopper, Kazuhiko Takahashi, and Günter P. Wagner


The Horseshoe Crab Conundrum: Can We Harvest and Conserve?, Jennifer Mattei and Mark Beekey


A Songbird Forebrain Area Potentially Involved in Auditory Discrimination and Memory Formation, Raphael Pinaud and Thomas A. Terleph


Inhibitory Network Interactions Shape the Auditory Processing of Natural Communication Signals in the Songbird Auditory Forebrain, Raphael Pinaud, Thomas A. Terleph, Liisa A. Tremere, Mimi L. Phan, André A. Dagostin, and Ricard M. Leão


Neural Correlates of Auditory Processing, Learning and Memory Formation in Songbirds, Raphael Pinaud, Thomas A. Terleph, Ryan D. Wynne, and Liisa A. Tremere


Zebrafish as a Model for Studying Adult Effects of Challenges to the Embryonic Nervous System, Nicole M. Roy and Elwood Linney


Estimation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge from Bulk Ground Electrical Conductivity Measurements, Thomas Stieglitz, John Rapaglia, and Henry Bokuniewicz


Response Properties of the Auditory Telencephalon in Songbirds Change with Recent Experience and Season, Thomas A. Terleph, Kai Lu, and David S. Vicario

Submissions from 2007


The E705K Mutation in hPMS2 Exerts Recessive, Not Dominant, Effects on Mismatch Repair, Suzanne M. Deschênes, Guy Tomer, Megan Nguyen, Naz Erdeniz, Nicole C. Juba, Natalia Sepúlveda, Jenna E. Pisani, and R. Michael Liskay


Eleutherodactylus ridens (Pygmy Rainfrog) Predation, Tobias Eisenberg and Twan Leenders


Mutations Affecting a Putative MutLa Endonuclease Motif Impact Multiple DNA Mismatch Repair Functions, Naz Erdeniz, Megan Nguyen, Suzanne M. Deschênes, and R. Michael Liskay


Neurotoxicity Assessment Using Zebrafish, Chuenlei Parng, Nicole M. Roy, Christopher Ton, Ying-Xin Lin, and Patricia McGrath


Fruit Quality And Consumption By Songbirds During Autumn Migration, Susan B. Smith, Kathleen H. McPherson, Jeffrey M. Backer, Barbara J. Pierce, David W. Podlesak, and Scott R. McWilliams


An Effect of Pier Pilings on Nearshore Submarine Groundwater Discharge from a (Partially) Confined Aquifer, Thomas Stieglitz, John Rapaglia, and Steven C. Krupa


Inhibition of Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Leads to Posterior Digit Loss in Ambystoma Mexicanum: Parallels to Natural Digit Reduction in Urodeles, Geffrey F. Stopper and Günter P. Wagner


Species Differences in Auditory Processing Dynamics in Songbird Auditory Telencephalon, Thomas A. Terleph, Claudio V. Mello, and David S. Vicario

Submissions from 2006


A Switch from Polyandry to Serial Monogamy: Results from a Three Year Tagging Study of Horseshoe Crabs in Long Island Sound, Jennifer Mattei Ph.D., Paul Goodell, Christine DePierro, and Meghann Burke


Negative Effect of Zebra Mussels on Foraging and Habitat Use by Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), D. J. McCabe, Mark Beekey, A. Mazloff, and I. E. Marsden


A Zebrafish Assay for Identifying Neuroprotectants in vivo, Chuenlei Parng, Christopher Ton, Ying-Xin Lin, Nicole M. Roy, and Patricia McGrath


Regulation of Immediate Early Genes in the Visual Cortex, Raphael Pinaud, Thomas A. Terleph, R. William Currie, and Liisa A. Tremere


Stress Responsivity and HPA Axis Activity in Juveniles: Results From a Home-Based CO 2 Inhalation Study, Thomas A. Terleph, Rachel G. Klein, Roxann Roberson-Nay, Salvatore Mannuzza, John L. Moulton III, Girma Woldehawariat, Mary Guardino, and Daniel S. Pine


Auditory Topography and Temporal Response Dynamics of Canary Caudal Telencephalon, Thomas A. Terleph, Claudio V. Mello, and David S. Vicario


The Use of Immediate Early Genes as Mapping Tools for Neuronal Activation: Concepts and Methods, Thomas A. Terleph and Liisa A. Tremere


New Distribution Records for Amphibians and Reptiles in Connecticut, with Notes on the Status of an Introduced Species, Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell, Twan Leenders, Brian T. Roach, Daniel J. Drew, Gregg Dancho, and Jeanne Yuckienuz

Submissions from 2005


Sid4: A Secreted Vertebrate Immunoglobulin Protein with Roles in Zebrafish Embryogenesis, Philip DiIorio, A. Runko, C. A. Farrell, and Nicole M. Roy


The Challenge of Environmental Protection, Jennifer Mattei


Seasonal Changes in Composition of Lipid Stores in Migratory Birds: Causes and Consequences, Barbara J. Pierce and Scott R. McWilliams


Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid Composition on Depot Fat and Exercise Performance in a Migrating Songbird, the Red-Eyed Vireo, Barbara J. Pierce, Scott R. McWilliams, Timothy P. O'Connor, Allen R. Place, and Christopher G. Guglielmo


Neuromodulatory Transmitters in Sensory Processing and Plasticity in the Primary Visual Cortex, Raphael Pinaud, Thomas A. Terleph, and Liisa A. Tremere