Introduction: Design Research in the Social Studies: History, Methodology, and Promise
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Design-based research (DBR) mimics the progressive tinkering that so many teachers undertake, yet infuses into it a greater concern for careful measurement and the use and production of theory. The best examples involve teams of teachers and researchers sharing their varied expertise and working collaboratively to attack educational problems of mutual concern.
Recommended Citation
Freedman, E. B. & Kim, J. (2019). Introduction: Design research in the social studies: History, methodology, and promise. In B. C. Rubin, E. B. Freedman, & J. Kim (Eds.), Design research in social studies education: Critical lessons from an emerging field. New York: Routledge.
ISBN 9780367110253 (paperback), 9780367110246 (hardcover), 9780429024382 (eBook)