Through Touch with the World : Cultural Journalism: Community Based Learning A Guide For Junior High and Secondary Teachers

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)




This guide represents our experiences in a variety of educational settings and with diverse populations. The curriculum is primarily designed, however, to benefit middle school and secondary students who have been labeled socially and emotionally maladjusted or at risk of dropping out of school. This manual is best used as a guide only. It shares our experiences, our ideas, strategies, problems and successes. Included in each section are definitive procedures, specific lesson plans and exercises, and methods of presentation, as well as suggestions for teachers and contributions from respected people and programs in Connecticut and across the country. The format of the guide will take you from setting up and conducting interviews, to post interview procedures, story writing and layout. Additional materials, such as student handouts, worksheets, sample lesson plans and ideas for classroom management, are included in the Appendices. The only section excluded from this guide is photography (although materials are included in a separate Appendix). It was felt that there are many informative books and materials on photography already available. Each teacher using this guide should incorporate their own style, expertise and experiences and blend them with the uniqueness of their students and communities.


Master's thesis submitted to the faculty of Sacred Heart University's School of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Teaching.
