
Submissions from 2021


Disparities in the Country Unfold Before Me, Ella Anonymous

My Covid-19 personal reflection. In some parts of the country, mask mandates were created and followed, yet elsewhere people were packed on beaches without a mask in sight.


Life In a Pandemic, Francesco Anonymous

Class assignment for Western Civilization. My family and I were some of the unfortunate ones as covid affected us considerably. Family members and close friends that were dear to us became sick, and some even passed. My mother's occupation was stolen from her, too, due to the circumstances. These events as a whole left us emotionally and financially damaged.


Pandemics, Jessica Anonymous

Class assignment for Professor Marino, Western Civilization. This explains my experience with covid and how it affected my life and my senior year of high school.


Worst 6 Months of My Life, Nicholas Anonymous

Class assignment for Western Civilization.


SHU Mandatory Weekly Testing, Citlalli Godinez

News article by Citlalli Godinez for the February 17, 2021 issue of The Spectrum.


Mahwah Class of 2020, Jacqueline Paruszek

Class assignment. This lifestyle in the COVID pandemic has become the new normal and it is hard to think about life without masks, social distancing, sweatpants every day, and sanitizing whenever I get the chance.


What It May Be Like After The Chaos, Kassidy Pratt

The paper I wrote reflects on my first hand experiences and thoughts during my senior year with COVID-19. I started with the beginning the pandemic and how hard it was to accept what was happening. Then I move to talk about how I accepted it and learned to live with it in the new "normal."

What Began as a Typical Day in my AP Biology Class, Jessica Romano

Class assignment for Western Civilization. This piece is my experience during Covid-19. March of 2020-September 2021. I live in Northshore, Massachusetts and started as a Junior in high school. 5 year embargo applies.


It Was Worse Than We Thought: Weeks Turned Into Months, Adriana (Rosie) Salsone

Class assignment for Western Civilization. The beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic was a haze for me. I remember it being a similar feeling to when I was living through Hurricane Sandy. At the start of the epidemic, my sister and I went to the grocery store because we were so nervous, we were going to be locked in our house for two weeks. It was worse than we thought.


The Pandemic has been the Hardest Time of My Life, Jessica Zarrilli

Class assignment. 2020 started off as a regular year, we counted down from ten and the clock struck twelve. No one knew what the future would hold.

Submissions from 2020


A Break from the Outside World, Anonymous

I took quarantine as a break from the outside world and used it as a time to work on my mental health. I looked at it as a time to self-reflect and learned to take things day by day.


A Monster No One Had Conquered Before, Anonymous

My experience of the Covid-19 pandemic starting in March 2020 and going through September 2020. It has been a struggle living through this pandemic, but my hope and faith in God has kept me going and will continue to sustain me until we reach the end.


Anything Can Happen Within a Blink of an Eye, Anonymous

This reflects my experience during Covid-19 because it compromised my senior year of high school. Class assignment for Professor Marino, Western Civilization.


A Rollercoaster of Emotions, Anonymous

COVID-19 has been a surreal experience but one that has made me stronger. I am proud of myself and the people in our country who quarantined so that we could save lives.


As Soon as This is All Over, I am Going Back to Paris, Anonymous

My plans for 2020 were much different from how it actually played out. I had plans to study abroad, turn 21, and start my senior year of college. I never expected a worldwide pandemic to ruin it all.

A Time of Uncertainty for All People, Anonymous

Living through a global pandemic is something that I never thought I would have to endure.

5 year embargo applies.


A Time to Remember, Anonymous

COVID has truly been a time to remember. Six months ago, on March 13th the whole world changed. Experiencing a global pandemic first hand has been an experience I will never forget.


A Whole New Lifestyle, Anonymous

I never thought I would ever have to be told to “social distance” from people I call my best friends.


Beyond the Fear, Loneliness, and Confusion, there was Hope and Unity, Anonymous

Beyond the fear, loneliness, and confusion, there was hope, unity within people, and a time to take a break from all that was happening in life and just reflect.


Coronavirus Personal Experience, Anonymous

The document explains how I felt and what I experienced during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Don't Take Anything for Granted, Anonymous

Class assignment for Western Civilization: Since 1500 HI-102. Embargo applied.

This writing reflects my experience during this time because it talks about what I went through as a senior in high school to now as a freshman in college from the day it all started on March 13th to now and how it has changed my life, things I have gone through, and things I would like the kids of the future to know.


Expect the Unexpected, Anonymous

The content shows how Covid affected me and my family and what I want future generations to know.


Experience During COVID-19, Anonymous

This submission from Professor James Bartley was a class assignment from a student who maintained a journal describing her experience working at a hospital during the pandemic.


Friday the 13th of March was the Last School Day of My Senior Year., Anonymous

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected every single person on this planet. Ever since the virus hit the U.S. our way of life has changed and hasn’t gone back to normal. Not only has every single person been affected by the pandemic, but almost every aspect of living has been changed.


Isolation and Quarantine, Anonymous

My Covid experience talks about the day we were moved out to the present.


Life during Covid, Anonymous

Explains what life was like during the COVID 19 pandemic. This was an assignment for Western Civilization.

Life has Changed for Everyone, Anonymous

We were all use to living our lives without fear and now we have to worry everyday. Covid has definitely impacted the world and made society more paranoid. Life has changed for everyone due to covid.

Embargo applied.


Long Months of Loneliness and Mental Instability, Anonymous

I went from hanging out with my friends every day to being completely isolated. Watching my family struggle more and more with finances because my father was out of work was devastating. I ended up meeting with a therapist over zoom to find some positivity and hope in my life. After a few sessions I started becoming more hopeful.


More Conscious of the Things that I Value, Anonymous

This document is a response to the question, "what would you like future generations to understand about what life was like during a pandemic?". My response talks about my personal experience with Covid-19 and how it has changed my life.


My Heart Sank a Little More, Anonymous

I'm glad I get to share the hardships I went through during quarantine and I can talk about the impact COVID19 had on me and my family.


Primary Source Reflection One: Covid Reflection, Anonymous

Class assignment for Western Civilization.

The world is truly a remarkably interesting place to live in and I have witnessed incredible changes during the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic.


Quarantining at Home, Anonymous

What it was like quarantining at home and how it felt living through the pandemic.


Quarantining at Home, Anonymous

My family had multiple positive cases (of Covid-19). Luckily no one had died or been greatly harmed from it. Within my own household we had made memories that will last a lifetime.


The Class of 2020, Anonymous

The class of 2020 will go down in history as one of the most unique graduating classes in history.


The World Came to a Screeching Halt, Anonymous

March 12th, that is the first day I realized Covid’s severity. NBA player Rudy Gobert tests positive for Covid and the entire NBA season was paused. At this point I’m thinking, if someone as big and famous as Gobert contracted the virus then anyone can get it.


This Virus is Not Going Away, Anonymous

Living during the COVID-19 pandemic was nothing short of infuriating. If there is anything I have learned about America, it is that some people are extremely selfish.


When is This Going to be Over?, Anonymous

Assignment for the class Western Civilization.

For future generations, living life during this pandemic was having a perpetual thought of “when is this going to be over?” To look at life beforehand and not take anything for granted and live in the moment because one may never know when something drastic like a virus can change life in a blink of an eye.


The World Pressed a Pause on Life, Cassandra Anonymous

Class assignment HI 102 Western Civilization: Since 1500.

For many weeks I looked at the disadvantages that COVID-19 brought, and then I started seeing personal positives.


My Life has Changed Right Before My Eyes, Jonathan Anonymous

COVID-19, I would say, has gone from putting my life on hold, to through a rollercoaster ride, and now to what we all know to be the new “norm.”


Primary Source Reflection 1: COVID-19 Pandemic Personal Experience, Kaitlyn Anonymous

Class assignment HI 102 Western Civilization: Since 1500.

My document incapsulates my personal experience of first learning about the pandemic, and contracting COVID.


Perspectives of a Graduating College Student, Kristin Anonymous

My personal thoughts/ reflections about this time and its impact as a graduating college student.


Will I Ever have a Normal College Experience?, Mia Anonymous

During a time of stress, sadness, and panic. Covid started my senior year of high school and still leading into college. Will life go back to normal?


Remembering COVID-19, Ellis Badger

I have recently started working as an Occupational Therapist for Wellpath Recovery Solutions at Bridgewater State Hospital, a maximum security, forensics hospital, including working in the Covid 19 Unit.

Outside of work, I am able to spend a lot of time with my family, exercising, and woodworking. I keep in close contact with my classmates and we are always there for support through these tough times.


The Gloominess Didn’t Control Me, Vincent Bassolino

What my Covid-19 experience was like for me and people living around me.

Class assignment, Western Civilization, Professor Marino.


My Life Experience During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Melissa Blanco

My content explains what my life was like during the last seven months of the Covid-19 pandemic and how it affected my life both positively and negatively. It also explains what it was like when I graduated from High School and how I want the future generations to remember the Class of 2020.

Class assignment, Western Civilization (Dr. Marino).


This Pandemic Drastically Affected My Life, David Creo

Class assignment for Western Civilization, Professor Marino.

The coronavirus entered the United States and started to rapidly spread, forcing my high school to indefinitely suspend and eventually cancel my whole senior year and all activities included, which would totally ruin my whole year, and the worst part was that this was completely unexpected.


My Thoughts on COVID-19, Patrick Ferraro

I feel deeply sorry for the loved ones that were lost from the SHU community directly from COVID-19. The tragedy of death can feel even worse in a time like this where it’s almost as if we can feel it through all of the fear we are presented with.


Stay Safe, Daniel Fitzroy

This image is of a homemade sign that appeared in front of this house soon after the stay at home order from the Connecticut Governor. There were some "Thank You" signs in Bethel, but many like this one exhorted the community to stay safe and stay strong. It was interesting to see the varying themes of these signs in different communities. This picture was taken on Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 2:32 pm in front of a house on Chestnut Street in Bethel, CT .


My COVID-19 Experience and Social-distance Graduation, Hailey Gabettie

This global pandemic was quickly changing the way we live our lives. One of my most memorable moments through this pandemic was my high school graduation.


Thelma's Legacy, Cara E. Kilgallen

Last week, while the world erupted in powerful protests, my dear godmother took her final breath, and her story matters. Thelma's obituary, written by Sacred Heart University faculty member Cara Kilgallen.


My Mother's Obituary, Her Death from Coronavirus, Annemarie Murphy

My mother's obituary, her death from Coronavirus. Her mention in the New York times, U.S. Deaths Near 100,000, an Incalculable Loss (May 24, 2020).


Don't Bug Me: Everything Young Kids Need to Know about Coronavirus--In Verse!, Rhea Paul

A story in verse for young children (3-8) about coronavirus. Narrated by the author, Rhea Paul. Press the "Slide Show" button at the top of the screen, then in the menu that appears, hit "Play from Beginning" all the way to the left.


Professors Sarah Pryor and Melissa Chaplik at Yale New Haven Hospital, Michele Peloso

Professors Sarah Pryor and Melissa Chaplik of the Physician Assistant Program at Yale New Haven Hospital.


Pollinator Garden Photo, Deirdra Preis

While I am very sad for the loss of life and the financial burdens caused by Covid for so many, I am forever grateful for the time that the quarantine has afforded me to be more "present" with my two parents who are ill, and with my husband and daughters. To help balance the stressors of life at this challenging time, I decided to create a pollinator garden to support the wildlife in my yard. Each day, I spend time working in the garden and sitting on my benches, watching the bees and birds and marveling at the activity and beauty around me. It has provided a very life-affirming and spiritual connection at a dark and confusing time. In the attached photo of my early spring garden, you will notice a sculpture of a little girl watering her flowers; my husband and I placed it in the garden to symbolize family and the joy we feel for our three daughters.


Giving Back To Our Communities During COVID-19 Pandemic, Kylie Roberts

My first year in the SHU physical therapy program was unfortunately brought to a halt and transitioned online earlier this year due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Sadly, this pandemic has affected my family and me in more ways than school moving to online courses. My grandmother Gloria passed away due to COVID-19 in mid-April.


Spectrum Senior Issue, 2020, Sacred Heart University


Accounting Students Show Appreciation to Professor Scarpati, Stephen Scarpati

Professor Scarpati received the attached video in May from his undergraduate students in Accounting.


Living Our Lives With Uncertainty, Jenna Seggio

This is a look into how my life was during the Covid-19 pandemic. I think it is crazy how I am living through history and I want future generations to know how my life was during this pandemic. I hope that when people read my contribution to remember Covid-19 that they get a feel for how everyone had to live through 2020. I am grateful for all of the health care workers and for everyone doing their part and wearing their masks and social distancing.


Separation Anxiety, Nisha Sidana

I wrote this poem about a month and a half after we were sent home from SHU. A couple of my friends were talking to me one day, telling me how much they missed their boyfriends/girlfriends, everything they love about them, and their longing to see them, knowing they wouldn't be able to. I took inspiration from this, as well as the feeling of being suddenly separated from the people you love, and wrote it into a poem I titled "Separation Anxiety." I wanted to artistically express the feeling a person gets when they realize how much they have taken the people they love for granted, and their reflection on what they love about them that makes them such important individuals in their life. COVID-19 took so much away from so many of us, and I wanted to write a poem in the perspective of a person that misses someone they love that many people could relate to during these times. We as humans tend to take several people and things in our lives for granted and don't realize it until it's suddenly ripped from us. We should all make an effort to tell the people we love how much we love them rather than keeping it to ourselves our entire lives.


Take a Deep Breath, Edward Stewart

Email sent by Fr. Ed Stewart on his departure from SHU: Early on in the pandemic, Father Tony asked Campus Ministry and Volunteer Programs staff to come up with a way of reaching out to the wider SHU community during our dispersal. With that, the daily Take A Deep Breath reflections were born.


Primary Source Reflection 1: COVID-19 Pandemic Personal Experience, James Sullivan

Class assignment for HI-102C, Western Civilization Since 1500, Professor Kelly Marino.

My paper reflects on my time during the COVID-19 pandemic. I told my personal experiences and moments that I have been through. From March to September. I also related how the COVID-19 pandemic relates to The Bubonic Plague.


Time to Reflect on What Really Matters, Brandon Sweeney

While the world took a loss from this virus it gave me time to reflect on what really matters. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. Every day I will not take for granted because you never know what can happen in the next.

Class assignment, Professor Marino, HI-102, Western Civilization.


My Baseball Season that was Canceled, Ryan Wicker

My experience posted describes my experience from my baseball season that was canceled because of COVID-19.