From the Editor
From the Editors
Laurence Weinstein, Shawn Blau, Christopher Sheehan, and Joshua Shuart
From Eggs to the Stars
Jane Pollak, Shawn Blau, and Laurence Weinstein
Bouncing Back
Allan F. Lichter and Laurence Weinstein
Entrepreneurial Women and Life Expectancy
Jeannette Oppedisano and Sandra Lueder
Someone Old or Someone New? The Effects of CEO Change on Corporate Entrepreneurship
J. L. "Bert" Morrow Jr.
Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Do Values Matter?
Mike Morris, Minet Schindehutte, and Jack Lesser
Using Social Cognitive Career Theory to Predict Self-Employment Goals
Gerald Segal, Dan Borgia, and Jerry Schoenfeld
Encouraging Technology-Based Ventures: Entrepreneurship Education and Engineering Graduates
Teresa Menzies and Joseph C. Paradi