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Highlights include: A closed-circuit television presentation of the International Conference on the Theological Issues of Vatican II at Notre Dame University is another step in the ecumenical movement being made on campus. A panel including outstanding theologians and scholars from the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Jewish faiths will present the major issues as discussed at Vatican II --SHUDA presents on act plays --Miss Magdalen Tackowiak, Dean of Women, will study at the International Center for Studies in Religious Education, known as Lumen Vitae, in Brussels, Belgium --Social Work activities in the community, including Head Start --The word is out, SHU has its ring, a garnet stone set in an antique frame with the name of the university engraved around the outside --Theology 261 is a new course taught by Mr. John White. The purpose of the class, as Mr. White sees it, is to inform the student about the Protestant denominations of America and in doing so to broaden his knowledge about Christian beliefs which may differ from his own --Pioneer Sports.



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