Best Writing: Deadline is April 1. For the best-written paper (analysis of existing research; experimental project; interview, survey, or ethnographic project; creative work or portfolio; or textual analysis). Criteria include: purpose, performance of language, adherence to standard writing expectations and rhetorical practices, accuracy of citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago).
Best Multidisciplinary Research or Collaboration: For projects that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries with regard to the question or problem it considers, the methodology it employs, or its conclusions or implications, especially for groups of students from different Colleges or major areas of study.
Best Visuals: The most visually appealing poster, especially related to the sense of scale in the elements, breathing space and color palette.
Most Creative: For projects that are unique or innovative with regard to their research questions, method or approach, suggested applications and presentation or style.
Most Scholarly Impact or Potential: Criteria include: how the study fills the gaps in the literature, the quality of the research design or question, and the likely implications for the field or field of study. Special consideration will be given to research that has been presented at or accepted for a conference or submitted to or accepted by a journal.
Most Transformative for Social Justice: For projects that demonstrate a profound commitment to addressing issues of injustice, inequality, and the common good of society. Consideration will be given to the potential real-world impact of the project, including its capacity to contribute positively to society, promote justice, and inspire meaningful change
Best Technology Prototype: Prototype needs to be functional either physically or electronically. Examples include but not limited to phone apps, websites and contraptions.
Campus Choice, Deans' Prizes, & Provost's Prize are awarded on the day of the Festival.